
この負の気持ちをずっと抱きながら生きてきた。 今、私も子供を育む様になり、子供と寄り添うことでこの思いと向き合うきっかけをもらった。
現代を再解釈し、作品化していくことを平面作品、 立体作品などを通してやっていきたいと思う。


1992年 東京造形大学 美術学科(彫刻科)卒業

Solo Exhibition
2010年1月 Other Painting Ⅵ 「毒抜き」展 Pepper's Gallery(銀座 東京)
2011年1月 Other Painting Ⅷ ダンテ「神曲」千葉 和成現代解釈集 「地獄篇1~3圏」 Pepper's Gallery(銀座 東京)
2012年1月 Other Painting IX ダンテ「神曲」千葉 和成現代解釈集 「地獄篇4~7圏」 Pepper's Gallery(銀座 東京)
2012年9月 第15回岡本太郎現代芸術賞受賞記念個展 /千葉和成「良き明日への神話 : 福島第1原子力発電所」 岡本太郎記念館(東京 青山)
2013年4月 千葉和成「神曲」 -ダンテ「神曲」現代解釈集-地獄篇1~3圏 EPISODES- Pepper's Gallery(銀座 東京)
2019年8月 千葉和成「ダンテ『神曲』現代解釈集」(TOKYO) Mizuma Art Gallery(市ヶ谷 東京)

Group Exhibition
2010年3月 Japanese Emerging Artists’ Exhibition in NY 3rd.“Other Paintinng” WAH center(NY)
2011年3月 Japanese Emerging Artists’ Exhibition in NY 4th."J_ART" WAH center(NY)
2012年2月 第15回岡本太郎現代芸術賞展/ダンテ「神曲」千葉 和成現代解釈集 「地獄篇1~7圏」/ 岡本太郎美術館(川崎 神奈川)
2014年4月 掘りごたつハリケーン 東京アートコンプレックスセンター (東京 新宿)
2022年10月 Breath in the End World展 Vanilla Gallery(銀座 東京)

Talk event
2013年9月 「これから芸術に何が出来るのか?」 新刊「震災とアート」出版記念トークイベント アーツ千代田3331内 (東京 千代田区)
/出演・倉林 靖(著者 美術評論家)×中村 正人(アーティスト)×千葉 和成(アーティスト)

2013年7月 ポーランド、スタリソンチ市レジデンス

2012年2月 第15回岡本太郎現代芸術賞/ 敏子賞受賞

WILLIAMSBURG ART & HISTORICAL CENTER(New York ) /Permanent Collection/2010制作作品,2011制作作品。

How he came to create Dante “Divine Comedy”

I will first and foremost, MUST talk about how I was brought up, in order to explain how I came to create this piece of art. My parents are from town of Tukidate and Kawamata in Dategun, Fukushima. Then my parents and I moved to an apartment in Machida, Tokyo. But because of my mother’s illness, we would often move back to Fukushima to my grand parents place to stay. And as you know, there was the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant’s explosion and the land was all contaminated by the radioactive materials.
This incident happened close to home, and it certainly affected my life in many ways. Fukushima is more than just my home. My mother has congenital dislocation of the hip joint,
which means that one leg is longer than the other, and so she is a physically challenged individual. Moreover, she has disorder in mental as well: integration disorder.
My parents would keep it from people around. They were afraid of being hurt by letting others know that she had a mental disorder. As her child, it was very hard to see her with heavy symptoms. My father passed away before we were able to talk about it. I have mixture of feeling towards my parents: love, powerlessness, doubt and even anger.
I have lived with this negative feeling all my life. I have a family now, and I am able to stay with my children, and have chance to face to them. My feelings are now freed after all, and now I am able to express my feeling. Creating art can release such suffer and pain and people could recover from it. And now I know that making art of such world of soul could mean a lot for some people. By travelling freely through the world of Dante, where people are mindless and politics are all rotten, I would be able to create 2D and 3D modern Art, namely the “Modern Interpretation of Divine Comedy”. I hope my art will inspire many people many ways in questioning “Why are we stupid, and why do we make mistakes?”

1967 Born in Kanagawa, Japan
1992 Graduated from Tokyo Zokei University, Department of Art, Sculpture Major

Solo Exhibition
2019August. Kazunari Chiba, "Contemporary Interpretations of Dante's Divine Comedy," Mizuma Art Gallery, Ichigaya, Tokyo
2013 April. Kazumasa Chiba "EPISODES" -Modern Interpretation of Divine Comedy’s Inferno 1-3 ( Pepper's Gallery,Ginza,Tokyo )
2012 Sep. The 15th Taro Okamoto Memorial Modern Art Award Winning Solo Exhibition:
“Myth for Better Tomorrow: The Fumkushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant” by Kazumasa Chiba (Taro Okamoto Memorial Museum, Aoyama, Tokyo)
2012 Jan Other Painting IX Dante “Divine Comedy” Modern Interpretation by Kazumasa Chiba, The Hell, Vol 4 - 7 (Pepper’s Gallery, Ginza, Tokyo)
2011 Jan. Other Painting VII Dante “Divine Comedy” Modern Interpretation by Kazumasa Chiba, The Hell, Vol 1 - 3 (Pepper’s Gallery, Ginza, Tokyo)
2010 Jan. Other Painting VI Solo Exhibition “Detox” (Pepper’s Gallery, Ginza, Tokyo)

Group Exhibition
2014 Apr. The Hori-gotatsu Hurricane The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo 2012 Feb.
The 15th Taro Okamoto Memorial Modern Art Exhibition: Dante “Divine Comedy” Modern Interpretation by Kazunari Chiba, The Hell, Vol 1 – 7
(Taro Okamoto Museum, Kawasaki, Kanagawa)
2011 Mar. Japanese Emerging Artists’ Exhibition in NY 4th."J_ART" WAH center(NY)
2010 Mar. Japanese Emerging Artists’ Exhibition in NY 3rd.“Other Painting” WAH center(NY)

Talk event
2013 Sep. “What Could Art Do Today” latest issue “Earthquake and the Art” release special interview
ARTS CYD 3331, lounge ( Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo ) / Guests: Yasushi Kurabayashi (author & art critic), Masato Nakamura (artist), Kazumasa Chiba (artist)

2013 July. ARTIST IN RESIDENCE IN POLAND (Stary Sacz, Poland)

2012 Feb. The 15th Taro Okamoto Modern Art Award/Toshiko Award

WILLIAMSBURG ART & HISTORICAL CENTER(New York)/Permanent Collection/2010 & 2011

Copyright © Kazumasa Chiba All Rights Reserved.